My partner Gary and I recently completed a piece for Lawndale's annual Dia de las Muertos fundraiser. The exhibition opens October 20 and runs through November 8, 2008. The gala and silent auction are on October 23 from 6-9pm. This is our first year to participate and our first real collaborative piece.
Lawndale gave each artist a small piece of sheet metal. We were asked to incorporate this metal in to the final design and creatively explore the traditional tin devotional painting practice in Mexico known as the retablo. Gary and I like to challenge ourselves to work with materials we already have on hand. Gary had the idea to use the entire piece of sheet metal as the main structure of the retablo and only adding elements which were necessary. We both noticed in past years most artist's kept the sheet metal flat and built on top of it. Gary being a metalsmith and jewelry designer wanted the piece to have a more 3 dimensional quality. Expanding on my own work I wanted the piece so be somewhat sterile looking and a container or collection device. After I turned 30, I noticed I began shedding an unbelievable quantity of hair, making me hyper aware of my already thin hair and aging hair follicles. I have over a years worth of collected hair.
So for our Dia de las Muertos piece we created a collection box for my lost hair. Rather than throw it away and lose it completely I am able to still hold on to it in a manner of speaking.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Collection Box: Hair
Posted by
Sarah Sudhoff
3:27 PM