So since this is my first solo show and I'm nervous and have apparently too much time on my hands I made a model of the space to help me edit the work and figure out a tentative layout.
The first 7 images have been sent off to be printed. 8 more will go with this week with color proofs to match. As soon as I approve them off to the framer and hopefully everything will be delivered around Feb 28 for me to start installing.
As of now, I'll have 4 videos and 18 photographs displayed. The back right corner is sectioned off as the projection room. Clean and Self Exam will be shown in there. Exam and Exam 2 videos will be shown on flatscreens in the main gallery space. Not every image from the series will be on view but I hope it is cohesive enough and highlights some of the strongest pieces in the series.
There are a few new pieces which were done for the show–one self-portrait, two still life's and two interiors. The interiors are already included on my website the others will be a surprise. The empty wall on the model is reserved for the new self-portrait. No title yet for this piece–I'm still working on that.
I had begun a new performance video but time, money and space all played a roll in cutting it from the exhibition at this time. I do hope to propose it as a small installation for two spaces in San Antonio.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
The Model
Posted by
Sarah Sudhoff
11:12 AM