My friend and fellow Austinite, Sybil Miller recently interviewed Helen Levitt for photo-eye magazine. The short but wonderful interview is a must read.
New York-based photographer Helen Levitt reached her 95th birthday this past August and to help celebrate we are honored to publish writer/photographer Sybil Miller's personal reflections on Levitt’s life work's followed by a rare interview. In part two, Miller provides her insight and analysis of the various editions of Levitt's landmark book A Way of Seeing and her beautiful new monograph published by powerHouse Books.
Read Part One: A Brief Chat — which includes an introduction and the recent interview.
Read Part Two: A Way of Seeing x 3 — a comparative study of some of Levitt's most well known publications, particularly the various editions of her seminal monograph A Way of Seeing.
If you just can't get enough of Helen Levitt listen to Melissa Block's interview on NPR.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
A Brief Chat with Helen Levitt and a Few Other Things
Posted by
Sarah Sudhoff
6:14 PM